How To Start Knitting: The Beginner’s Guide

Knitting is an age-old art form that brings joy to many by allowing them to delve into a world of creativity, pattern, and color. Getting started in knitting cuts across various steps, resources, and practices. In this article, we share an easy-to-follow beginner’s guide to help you start knitting.

What You’ll Need

To start knitting, you need two main tools: knitting needles and yarn. When it comes to the type and size of needles and yarn, different projects call for different specifications. As a beginner, it’s typically recommended to use medium-sized needles (US 8, 9, or 10) and a medium-weight yarn. Other tools that might be handy include a tapestry needle, stitch holders, stitch markers, and a pair of scissors.

Learning Knitting Techniques

Basic knitting requires mastery of two fundamental techniques: the knit stitch and the purl stitch. Other knitting techniques include cast on — which starts every knitting project, and bind off — which ends a knitting project. Instructions on how to execute these techniques can be found in various knitting books, online videos, and websites, such as the Victoria House Needlecraft Site.

Gaining Confidence Through Practice

Learning to knit is not an overnight achievement. There will be lots of trial and error, repeated actions and re-dos. Patience and perseverance are key to mastering knitting. Starting with simple knitting projects like pot holders, scarves or blankets, will expose you to the repetition of the basic stitches, thereby enhancing your confidence and skill.

Finding Inspiration

Becoming a proficient knitter also involves finding inspiration and joining a community. Knitting communities, both online and offline, offer a supportive environment for sharing ideas, asking questions, and showcasing your work. Moreover, resources such as the Victoria House Needlecraft Site offer patterns, techniques, tips, and other knitting essentials.

Keeping Up with Trends

Knitting is always evolving, with new patterns, textures, and techniques constantly emerging. Sites like the Victoria House Needlecraft Site keep up with these tendencies, offering new inspirations and challenges to broaden your knitting skills.

Treating Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

As with any new skill, you’re likely to make mistakes when you start knitting. The goal is not to avoid mistakes, but to learn from them. Ripping out your work (“frogging” in knitter’s jargon) and correcting mistakes can be frustrating, but they are integral parts of the learning process. So, embrace these experiences and use them to improve your practice.


In conclusion, starting to knit requires patience, practice, tools, and a relentless desire to learn and improve. With resources like the Victoria House Needlecraft Site and several others, knitting becomes a journey of continual learning and fulfillment. So, gather your knitting needles, pick your yarn, and set sail on your knitting journey!